» Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:19 pm
Laylla continues to drink a ton and act very needy (comes to the side of the cage whenever I walk by and begs) but otherwise seems fine. But... she looks bigger today even though her weight is down (939g, compared to the 954g right after birth and the 988 a few days later). I've picked her up to give her a squeeze - she's soft and gushy on the sides, but between her left nipple and her genitals, she has a soft but palpable lump. I am guessing that's not normal? I'm about to contact vet services to schedule an appointment, but I wanted to throw it by here, first. Given that we lost her cagemate to a "mass" in her abdomen, I'm a bit concerned. Her poos have been a bit soft (but no pain when pooping) which I wrote off to the pregnancy and the amount of water she's drinking.
Babies are all doing fine. I hope to have more videos soon.