Sam and Dean

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Post   » Sat Oct 23, 2021 1:42 pm

High Alkaline in the water can cause all kinds of troubles with pipes and fixtures too. If it sits or drips too long, it can cause hard water marks in sinks and tubs. We were forever having to scrub hard water marks in the toilets too. I can't swear to it, but I would swear it was what caused the kidney stones my daughter and I had more than once.

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Post   » Thu Nov 11, 2021 4:41 am

Sammy is almost 4 and has really calmed down now that he's gotten older. The last several times I've gotten him out to hold him or clean his cage have been far easier to pick him up. He hasn't struggled while I hold him and he even climbs into my hands when I get him out of the bin I keep him in when I change his and Dean's bedding. He's more outgoing than ever too. Because of how my room is set up, when I wake up, the first thing I see is his adorable little face peeking over the edge of his cage and it makes my day.

Dean has always enjoyed being held and petted. But Sammy would always struggle and nip at my arms when I hold him. It made me a little bit sad that he didn't like to be loved on because he's so adorable. He still has that high speed motor and has to be scolded by Dean once in awhile. He still plays with his wicker ball too. I'm glad he's settled down yet still has the spirit of a young pup.

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Post   » Thu Nov 11, 2021 8:03 am

He sounds like a sweetie. Glad he has become more laid back. He has a lot of trust in you.

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Post   » Tue Nov 23, 2021 2:24 am

Check out Sammy. He's far more relaxed now that he's gotten older and more mature. I don't even have to give him treats to get him to sit still so I can pet him and take his picture.


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Post   » Tue Nov 23, 2021 8:26 am

He does look relaxed!

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Cavy Comic

Post   » Tue Nov 23, 2021 9:09 am

He's gorgeous!

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Post   » Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:49 am

With what has been going on with Sammy, I've been worried about how Dean will handle things. I'm watching him carefully for signs of depression since I had to move Sammy to a hospital cage. So far, so good. He hasn't shown any negative signs yet. He and Sammy have been lifelong companions of 4 years, so I expect there to be some depression or sadness in him. Thus far he's good, but Sammy is right next to him where they can see each other. If things go bad and we lose Sammy, I just don't know how he's going to handle it. This is something I've never had to deal with. I'm sure we're going to need each other. He's been a real trooper through this. Wilber and Grady are in the cage right next to his and they are very young and active. I think that helps.

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Post   » Sat Dec 18, 2021 11:57 am

Hoping Sammy improves!

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Post   » Sat Dec 18, 2021 5:15 pm

Dean has been the recipient of extra love and attention. It rained heavily all day yesterday and washed the pasture clean. That made picking the very long, very thick and very green blades of grass possible and he got a large handful of it. All of the guinea pigs did. Sammy even ate one long blade of it. Grass is one of, if not the most favorite of Dean's treats. Hope it made him feel loved.

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Post   » Sat Dec 18, 2021 8:13 pm

Grass is a hit with so many guinea pigs! Glad you had some lovely grass as a treat.

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Post   » Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:55 pm

My heart is very heavy as I send my Sammy off to join his brothers at the Rainbow Bridge. He brightened my day at the very sight of him. I talked to him all of the time. Every single guinea pig has unique qualities which set them apart from every other guinea pig and Sammy was no different. He had a motor in him. He was like greased lightning. He rarely sat still. He wasn't big on lap time unless there were treats to bribe him with. He got calmer and sat still as he got older, but before that, he was pretty curious and had to explore everything.

His cute face peeking out over the side of his cage pan was the first thing I saw when I walked into the guinea pig room before we moved to Missouri and when I opened my eyes in the morning after we moved here and I got to have them in my room. His cage is right next to the head of my bed at eye level when I'm laying down. Waking up will never be be the same without him. I will miss his cute face. He knew Scruffy, BJ and Oreo, so I know he's already found them and they are grazing together in the green grass of the Rainbow Bridge. Rest in sweet peace my sweet little Sammy. Words and pictures don't do you the justice you deserve for enriching our lives.

This is Sammy and Dean on the first day I brought them home. I didn't have a big enough cage for them as I didn't plan on adopting them. I remember the days of switching between the day pen and the night cage while I waited on their cage to arrive.

I was fascinated with his blend of browns with the white from the first time I saw him. I just had to adopt him. I am still fascinated with it to this day. I will always be. It was one of his best features.


Grazing outside has always been an important part of what I do with my guinea pigs; taking every precaution for their safety of course. It teaches them to forage and it adds valuable nutrients to their diet as long as its clean and free of pesticides, chemicals and fertilizer. When it was not safe for them or not possible to have them outside, I always pick fresh grass and bring it to them. It was Sammy's favorite treat. Sammy was what you might call a grass guzzler.






Sammy was very squirrely during lap time. I really had to hold on to him carefully or he would run right off of my lap onto the floor. I think it was his desire to explore everything around him, including my face. It took near nothing to get his curiosity up. That is of course unless I bribed him with grass or a carrot.

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Last edited by Renonvsparky on Tue Dec 21, 2021 8:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post   » Tue Dec 21, 2021 7:55 pm

He interacted well with the other pigs. The only exception was when they were outside. I even had to separate him from Dean while they were outside or Sammy would get after him. Normally Dean was the dominant pig, even though Sammy was bigger and outweighed him by several ounces. That changed whenever they went outside.

This is the greeting I got every time I approached him once he got used to us. It's also the view I got every morning after we moved, except from a slightly lower angle.
Did I mention Sammy had a motor? Well here is proof! I still laugh at this one.

Sammy may be gone, but he will forever live on in our hearts and memories. He is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. I'm thankful and blessed to have been part of his life. This video says it all and I dedicate it to my Sammy. I will see you on the other side, baby boy

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