The Legend of Barry Jenkins

For the Love of Pigs

Post   » Sun Feb 21, 2021 12:17 pm

I'm so sorry. He was a really special pig and you were lucky to have each other.

Sleep well little pig.

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Post   » Mon Feb 22, 2021 2:38 am

🥂 Here's to you BJ! I will miss him. I will miss the way he snuggled up with his blanket on my lap. His silky white fur and beautiful red eyes made him very unique. His size coupled with his very sweet personality; despite the rough life he had prior to joining us, made him a gentle giant among guinea pigs. He never let me down even at the end when he wasn't feeling well. I could always count on BJ to come up to greet me with a finger nibble and a subtle hello squeak every time I came in the room. No matter what he was doing, he never missed an opportunity to share his affection with me. He's free from suffering now and grazing on the forever green grass with Scruffy. Farewell and Godspeed my little buddy.

This is BJ the day I brought him home 13 months ago. He was afraid to come out of the carrier. He was so big that I had to take the top off to get him out without scaring him more or injuring him. He was so much heavier than any of my other piggies. It was then that I realized just how big he really was.

The first time I sat and held BJ in my lap, he did this! It was right then that I knew he would be happy. I think he knew it too. I have lots and lots of pictures of us like this one because as you can see, we spent a lot of time sitting together. This is when I discovered that his past was not the best time for him. He had a real problem with itchiness. It was bad enough to send him into fits trying to scratch where he couldn't reach. Despite being miserable with unscratchable itching, he always snuggled like this. Another testament to his sweet personality. It turned out to be mites, which we got taken care of in short order. The diagnosis and treatment was a little rough but we got through it. After that, he knew nothing but love, joy and happiness.

Here is BJ doing his next most favorite thing; grazing outside with his brothers. My other shelter adopted guinea pigs were apprehensive about being outside, even with Mr Bubbles showing them how nice it is and how good the fresh grass tastes. That wasn't the case with BJ. He took to it right off the bat and was totally relaxed. At first he wanted more to be with the others and explore his outside pen more than he did to eat the grass, but once he realized that outside grazing time is at a premium and it's best to make the most of the opportunity to graze, he always ate his fill.

He loved socializing with the others, even though they didn't always want to with him. Mr. Bubbles usually responded when BJ called him over unless they were outside. Mr Bubbles knows that grass time is at a premium most of the time, so there isn't time to kick it if he wants to make the most of it. BJ loved being with the others and he always tried his best to socialize with them even though it had to be through the cage and they didn't always want to. I honestly believe that the problem with the cage mate he had before I got him and not BJ was the reason they had to be separated.

With the addition of Oreo, Gilligan and Skipper, BJ assumed the role of the grazing mentor. They were just as relaxed with BJ looking after them as they were with Mr Bubbles doing it. Here he is showing Oreo how it's done.

This is BJ on his last night with us. I made sure that his cage was nice and clean with soft fleece and hay to lay on. Most of the time over his last week or so, he just laid under his house. He must have known that it would be his last night with us because he mustered up the energy to come over and see me and explore his clean cage. He even touched noses with Oreo. Of course Oreo went to the other side of his cage before I could get the camera app opened up and take the picture. We spent a lot of time saying our goodbyes that night.

While I will forever miss him and there's a big hole in my heart, I am filled with nothing but fond memories of him. Rest in peace Big Guy. The legend of Barry Jenkins lives on in our hearts and minds.

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Supporter 2016-2021

Post   » Mon Feb 22, 2021 9:10 am

Thank-you for sharing him with us! He was a lucky boy when he came to you. He looks like a big teddy bear and you both enjoyed each other and gave each other love! He will always be with you and watch over you.

For the Love of Pigs

Post   » Mon Feb 22, 2021 11:37 am

That was a lovely memorial for the Big Guy. Even my husband, who isn't one to express sentiment said, "that's sad". I had related some stories about BJ to my family. I am amazed that he fell asleep on your lap the first day - love that pic.

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Post   » Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:04 pm

Those are great pictures - and great memories. I am happy to think how fondly you are remembering him despite the pain of his loss.

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Post   » Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:15 pm

Went to pick up BJ's urn and certificate. He's in his final resting place next to Scruffy. I kept a little corner of his favorite holding blanket to keep with him. I will not forget him and will miss him always.


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Supporter 2016-2021

Post   » Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:13 pm

They are together forever. Lovely pictures, keep sakes and boxes! He will always be with you. When the breeze touches your face it will be BJ giving you a gentle touch. When you're feeling sad for some reason your heart will feel warm it will be BJ. He will watch over you and never leave you! Big hugs.

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Supporter in 2024

Post   » Wed Feb 24, 2021 10:26 pm

Those are great photos and great memories. You probably saved his life when you rescued him with such a bad mite infestation. Itching and fits can lead to seizures and can be fatal. He must have been so happy to be with you.

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Post   » Thu Mar 04, 2021 11:25 pm

Got a card from BJ's vet clinic today. Normally it's just a kind gesture they do and it's a generic thing that they stuff into an envelope and send to the owner of a pet that passes on. This one was pretty special because everyone who works there put down some kind words and signed it. Apparently BJ made a really big impression when he spent the day there getting his x-ray done. They don't get many guinea pigs in since there's just been one vet who can treat them up until Dr Waller came on board a few months ago. So when they do get one, especially when it's for the whole day, they all get a chance to hold it. You've seen what a cuddler BJ was. It's my guess that they all got to experience it, which is why he made such a big impression. His being unique with his red eyes and albino white coat probably had something to do with it too. I was quite moved by the card and it even brought a smile to my face.

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Supporter 2016-2021

Post   » Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:26 am

Bet BJ is smiling too. BJ is chuckling knowing he smooched all the nurses at the vet and you didn't know. A real ladies pig! So glad your vet took the time to send you a personlised card. Makes it nicer when it has that personalised touch.

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Supporter in 2024

Post   » Fri Mar 05, 2021 12:32 am

That's so nice! Some pets make a huge impression on the vets and techs and they feel that loss. I've had such nice cards, and even ink paw prints and paw imprints in clay given to us from vets after we've had to say goodbye to a dog or cat. Such a caring gesture.

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Post   » Sun Feb 20, 2022 3:16 pm

Today is Barry Jenkins day. He left us one year ago today. We still miss him as much as the day we had to send him to the Rainbow Bridge. I look through my old photos often when I get bored and when I come across the ones I have of him, it brings a smile to my face.


As much as he liked to be around the other pigs (even though they didn't always share his sentiment), I bet he would have loved the babies. He was such a gentle giant. His legend lives on forever in our hearts. Rest well Big Guy.


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